How it works
and the PPI
A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a solution provided by our Partner, which enables organisations to make the switch to low-cost, clean energy, without any capital expenditure and with the added benefit of having the system maintained for the full term.
Instead of purchasing 100% of your electricity from a traditional grid-connected supplier, you generate your own clean, green energy by way of a solar PV system on your own premises; thereby cutting energy costs and greatly reducing carbon emissions. The installation of a renewable technology will also future-proof against ever-changing government legislation and charges on carbon reduction in the commercial sector.

We are breaking down those barriers by showing a very simple process that suits all the different demographics of Golf Club. Concept Golf provides discreet, non-invasive consultation that will save money, help generate revenue and free up time within the business at no initial cost to the club. Further information can be given upon request but this is not an article around our business, it is about how we can affect change through a real green initiative that does not cost the club, the members or the industry money, whilst allowing those involved to benefit the environment and themselves along the way.
We are offering a ZERO CAP EX opportunity to an initial 100 Golf Clubs to have solar installed on the rooftops. This will save the average club 40% on their current cost for energy which can only become more as the caps from the industry providers are removed and the target of reducing the carbon footprint of the industry can begin.
How it will work is the clubs will enter into a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) for 25 years. Our partners will supply, install and maintain the equipment for the full duration and the club will buy the energy from the solar panels on the roof. This price will only increase with RPI each year and will start as low as 9.4p p/kWh. The club will remain on the grid and metres will be installed to manage that with the option of a live data feed on the platform to show usage, allowing for a much more detailed management of energy. That is it, no extra work as it is all in one place. There is no catch, no agenda, we have just put a funder that understands the need for change, to an industry that doesn’t necessarily have the money or time to implement it alone and put a package together where everyone wins.
Initially, the clubs we are looking for will have the roof space to make a big enough difference but we have aspirations of completing in the next few months a way to combine smaller clubs together to make it viable for all clubs to be involved in some capacity. We have £100 million secured for this first run of the project and have access to much more once we demonstrate the effectiveness to the funding body, all of which is transparently open with anybody interested in discussing this further.

Just get in touch to start the proccess
Please get in touch if you have any questions, if you would like your club(s) to be put forward for consideration or if you would like to get involved in this in any capacity. This is a project already in motion and the first clubs are signing up now to be amongst the first to make a difference.
What do you need to do?
- Let us know you are interested by email or contact form.
- Submit your half hourly run from your electricity bill (online to pdf)
- Complete our LOA to speak to the energy supplier to gain DNO (Distribution Network Operator) approval
- Let us do all the work and present you with your bespoke solution.